>If your answer to the above questions is No, don't read on!
>IF you answered Yes! Please feel free to read on!!
>Learn how to turn $5 into THOUSANDS!!!!!
>This thing really works; all you have to do is be honest and follow all the instructions carefully. And you will love the benefits.
>With just $5 and a Paypal PRIMIER or BUSINESS account. >You could make $$THOUSANDS$$ in no time at all!
>STEP 1: Open a Paypal PREMIER or BUSINESS account at >Deposit at least $5.00 into your account!
>STEP 2: Log into your Paypal account and hit the (Send money) button, follow the instructions!
>Send $5.00 to the first name below, if your Birthday falls in the first half of the year. >OR >Send $5.00 to the second name below, if your Birthday falls in the last half of the year.
>Make the subject of the payment "Email Compiling Business” and in the comments, write (Thank you for getting me started, please add me to your list!)
>Your $5.00 gets you started in your own Email Compiling Business and your email address will be added to the Email List of the person you sent your payment to!
>This is a business and you are compiling an email list of friends and future business acquaintances, you can contact them at anytime to discuss things or make other offers available to them!
>YOU CAN USE YOUR EMAIL LISTS FOR: * Promoting products! * Become an affiliate and promote other sites for great commissions! * You can promote your own websites for sales or signups! * The possibilities are endless!!
>DON’T sell your Email list to anyone, people do not appreciate getting emails from people they do not know!!!!
>REMEMBER that almost every Internet Marketer that is making money will tell you that the money is in the list. Without a good email list, it is hard to promote anything on the internet. So you need a list to make money! Your list will help you in all your future business endeavors!!
>**IMPORTANT INFORMATION** Most of these marketers do offer eBooks, seminars, online courses and businesses that you can join and they will show/tell you how to build your own list, but they do charge you anywhere from $50.00 to $200.00 for this information to get you started.
>YOUR PAYMENT TO JOIN US IS ONLY $5.00!! And everything to get you started is right here, with no expensive eBooks, courses, seminars or costly advertising!
>STEP 4: After making your $5.00 Payment to Person #1 or Person #2 through Your Paypal Premier or Business account copy this letter and submit it to 50 or more Message Boards, Chat Rooms, or Newsgroups! Remember to Remove the email address you are replacing (the one you sent your $5.00 Payment to), and Replace it with your own email address. Remember: Use the same Email address that you used to set up Your Paypal account!
>POSITION #2 (If your Birthday falls in the last half of the year)
>We offer 2 positions for you to choose from; so that you have the choice of which person you want to start your business with, 2 names makes it possible for everyone to start this business on a fast track! We picked the positions based on Birthdays to allow equal opportunities for everyone!
>Please follow all the instructions carefully, don't miss a step! >If you have a printer, print it out! Then you will have a hard copy to work from!
>(Remember every time somebody makes an Payment to someone on the message boards, they are going to post to 50 other Message boards, Chat rooms or Newsgroups. So even If your name is not picked first, your name will be on a lot more boards, which equals a potential of even more people sending you payments to start their business, not to mention a lot more email contacts for your list!)
>4 FACTORS THAT MAKE THIS BUSINESS SO SUCESSFUL...... *Extremely High Response Rate *Unlimited Profit Potential *Quick, Simple and Cheap To Get Started *A Very Fast and Easy Way to Compile Your List!
>SO THERE IT IS >You now have the knowledge that will enable you to make $$Thousands$$ over the next few weeks, and you will also start compiling a great email list. >The only thing that can hold you back now is not doing your postings! >Trust me on this! You certainly won't regret it! >After your 1rst cycle is over, you can do it again! >Remember people are making a Payment to you, to help you with your business, and to get started in their own! You must show this as an income, you must keep all your records for tax purposes!
>HINT: Log into any search engine like Yahoo, Google, etc....and search with these subjects! Millionaire message boards, money making message boards, money making discussion boards, money making forums or business message boards, etc... Click on them one by one, once there you will find the option to post a new message, do this and post to at least 50!
>Remember you don't have to retype this letter, just copy and paste it into your documents folder and then post it on the boards that you want to. >Also you don't have to keep on going back to your documents folder to retrieve your letter, after you have posted to your first message board, simply copy the letter when your finished posting at that board, and paste it into the next one! >Remember to put your email address into the spot of the person, which you sent your $5.00 Payment to!!!!
>THE BOTTOM LINE IS THIS: When you join this business you are making an income “these are not Gifts”. This is Your Own Email Compiling Business! Everyone that jumps onboard is making a $5.00 payment to start their own business and about 1 hour of their time, to make this work for you and themselves!
>After making your payment to one of the emails above, please keep their email address. This way if you are having any problems with any of the above steps, they will be able to help you! WE ARE ALL REGULAR PEOPLE, FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE WORKING TOGETHER FOR THE SAME GOAL! A BRIGHTER FUTURE FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!
It is advised that after you make some money, that you register your own business, there are a lot of Home business write offs that you can take advantage of!!!