hhmmm, that's a point. Won't start until after xmas, but should have net access at the job. Obviously if they don't like me coming on here I will have no option but to resign
You aren't drunk if you can lay on the floor without holding on
hhmmm, that's a point. Won't start until after xmas, but should have net access at the job. Obviously if they don't like me coming on here I will have no option but to resign
haha... that would be class... i admire your commitment to this room!!
sadly, I don't think my mortgage provider would admire said commitment, I may have to compromise my principles!-- Edited by Oz at 11:50, 2005-12-15
why dont you opt for mortgage protection insurance... then if it doesnt work out... politeky request to your employer that they make you redundant... and hey presto... you can live off that!!
I had kind of dropped it, as I couldn't get on here for ages, and can't be arsed restarting it as I may not be on here much if I get the job, so you can be winner every week from now on LJ
You aren't drunk if you can lay on the floor without holding on
you are so desperate to win, aren't you? I had kind of dropped it, as I couldn't get on here for ages, and can't be arsed restarting it as I may not be on here much if I get the job, so you can be winner every week from now on LJ